Saturday, September 25, 2010

Disney Presents Marvel Comics

As some of you may not know, Marvel comics are no longer owned by themselves. As of the end of 2009, they were bought up by Disney.  Now, I do not know your opinions on Disney or what you may think that might happen with the Marvel franchise due to this merger, but I find it ironic that a company whose founder was rumored to be very anti Semitic has acquired a company that was founded by Jewish comic writers and illustrators.

Now, I can not make any assumptions on the views of the late Walt Disney, its just that for years that I had heard that he was anti Semitic.  I always tried to push it out due to the fact that I was raised on Disney movies as a child as were many children my age.

However, the biggest irony is that Michael Eisner, the current head of Disney is he himself Jewish. A Jewish man in charge of a company that is supposedly anti Semitic. The world really does work in mysterious ways.

Getting back to the merger of these two companies, I have no idea what is in store for the future of Marvel comics.  It could go very badly by over saturating the market with crappy merchandise and even crappier everything else.  It could go very well and the company would flourish.  Or, and this is probably the best bet, it would pretty much stay the same.

I did learn that even before the merger, Disney had footholds in the company such as rights to animated features and their DVD releases.

All I can say for sure is that Disney has not screwed up the company or its intellectual property yet, so I guess that it will be just fine with this.

Until next time.


  1. Nice discussion of the irony and of this current conglomerate situation.... yes, Disney was anti-Semitic (this connects with his history during the blacklisting era of Hollywood). I'm not sure if Michael Eisner is still the chief of Disney though, unless he's back (I recall him stepping down some time ago but will admit I don't always follow Hollywood news)

  2. Well I like the irony of it all. Walt Disney who was supposedly anti-semtic being ran by Jewish people. Modern Disney I think is now a publically owned company and I wouldn't put too much weight into whether Walt Disney himself was anti-semetic or not.
